#103 Community-Building BTS + My Real Results
I have two community lessons for you today – both through experiences I am having in my business *right now*. (read on website)
Retreat Launch Lessons: Connect with your customers immediately post-purchase to help you update your marketing strategy, get more aligned clients, and make more money.
New Instagram Strategy: Social media is for being social. You CAN build community on social media that leads to community off-platform... with the right strategy.
So you can consider this a fully behind-the-scenes issue.
Let's get into it –
Retreat Launch Lessons
One of the amazing people that signed up for the Make Smart Retreat gifted us with some feedback this week and shared *exactly* why she decided to buy.
She told us that she bought because she has had the privilege of seeing our resumes – she has an amazing HR coaching business – and so she knows the amazing stats we've provided clients.
She said that having the two of us work on her business for 3 days, considering the clients we work, was a no-brainer for the price.
Here's the problem:
Cheyenne and I have held this info close to the chest because we didn't like the feeling of self-promotion. Well, this note from our customer encouraged us to let that go.
And this post that I'm pasting below? It generated more interest in our retreat than any other promo we've done. 👇
I met Cheyenne Buttrey while working at bossbabe.
She was Head of Marketing & Content.
I was Head of Product.
We loved working together because we made decisions, together … entirely based on data.
Bossbabe is an 8-figure creator-led brand serving 4M women entrepreneurs worldwide.
Between the two of us we…
Drove over $4.4 million in live launch revenue alone
Pivoted the marketing strategy from fully launch-reliant to launch + evergreen, boosting passive monthly revenue by 275%
Increased member retention to over 90%
Reduced refunds of our flagship program by 6%
Now that we’ve both left bossbabe & have our own businesses, we often collaborate on client work for some of your favorite creator-led brands.
(Think: Spirit Daughter, Vanessa + Xander, Lazy Millionaire, etc.)
A few of our collabs have led to…
Generating $1.5M in organic revenue within 6 months
A successful mobile app launch to an audience of 2M
And just this week – we’ve already added an additional $10k in ARR (annual recurring revenue) for a client…and we’re not even done with the launch yet.
That’s why we named our retreat the Make Smart retreat.
We want to help you make smart *data-driven* decisions, make smart products, and make smart funnels.
…because that’s how you make smart money (without more effort).
So, want to spend 3 days with us working ON your business?
If you're thinking about joining but you're on the fence, reach out and I can help you figure out if you're a good fit!
Instagram Strategy Pivot
I love Instagram, and when you're choosing 1-2 discovery platforms to build community and connect with people... you should choose an app that you actually enjoy being on.
Here's the problem:
My Instagram growth stalled big time in February.
From my KPI tracker. I mean... not ideal right?
Even with a super small audience I've made tons of connections, thousands of dollars of revenue, and nurtured new community builders. I know that if I play the long-game, it's worth it.
Anna, my agency coach, has taught me that when you're building an agency, personal brand is how you really scale. People want to work with people! And this is obviously aligned with my community-driven ethos.
So I worked with my incredible social strategist to revamp my strategy & I've already gained more followers this week than I did in all of February. If you want her info, reply and ask! I love referring her.
If you follow me on IG then you may have noticed me showing up on stories almost every day chatting like we're on FaceTime. This is very intentional and I'm already seeing positive growth & engagement from it.
Here's my updated positioning (written by my strategist)
This strategy will establish you as a creator, agency founder, and expert in community-based business product strategy.
Your social media will build a community of other creators and founders and allow you to stay top-of-mind as their go-to person when they need support with their product strategy and communities.
Your Instagram will be a combination of personal content and business content. It will showcase you as a whole person vs. previously when you were showcasing yourself as just a product strategist.
Here's my updated content pillars (written by my strategist)
If you're trying to grow on Instagram, it's important to have content pillars. These are my NEW pillars:
(1) Becky IRL
This pillar focuses on who you are as a whole person – your health journey, books you’re reading, vacations, etc.
This pillar showcases the aspects of your life that you've only dipped into so far.
You are a founder and creator, but that’s not everything there is to know about you or connect with you on.
(2) Founder & Agency Life
This is where you'll share the BTS of building your agency, projects you’re working on in your agency, agency clients, etc.
This pillar will also include BTS of working with your husband, Justin, in your business.
(3) Community Builder
You’re building your own community on social media. You have strong relationships with other creators and founders, and this is where you bring them together.
This pillar is where we will share your collabs with different creators and founders, promote their work, feature communities you love, etc.
(4) Community & Product Strategy Expert
This pillar is where we promote your business and share high-value educational content teaching people how to build community-driven businesses.
This is also where you share your expertise and build your credibility so you are the first person people think of when they want to create community products.
What do you think? Interesting to see bts of my social strategy? I'm curious what works for YOU to build community on social. Oh and don’t forget to connect with me on Instagram 😉