#51 Transformation Membership Model™️
Hello & Happy Friday!
This morning I attended Creative Mornings. If you've been here a while then you know I'm a big fan, and volunteer for my local chapter here in Baltimore. CM has chapters all over the world – find your city!
If you have a dream of building a global community, they are definitely an organization to look to as inspiration.
This morning Eddie O'Keefe, co-owner and VP of Peabody Heights Brewery, spoke on the global theme "Rise".
This morning at Topside in Baltimore for Creative Mornings
He shared that his business almost failed in 2022 when aluminum, label creation, and barley all increased cost by 40%+ among other reasons like still recovering from the pandemic. Now, they are thriving.
In his words, "Our community is why we exist today. When you hit rock bottom in your business, it's your community that gets you through."
When asked how he built community he said "being kind and doing the right thing is usually a pretty good concept" which made the whole room laugh – but seriously, being a good person and focusing on service can really take your business far.
Eddie shared the importance of serving niche audiences and "controlling the narrative" by building community aligned with your business values. In his case, he hosts a lunar new year event, "butch gardens" for the queer community, and supports events for book lovers.
So here's a prompt for you today:
How can you create an invested and supported community in your online business? How can you foster community based on your business values?
Now that our hearts our full, let's dive into some nitty-gritty business things. I'm really excited to share my Transformation Membership Model™️ publicly today for the first time.
Let's get into it –
Transformation Membership Model™️
I'm still building out the full methodology and so I decided to create a loom video with a high level overview.
If building a membership is in your present or future, this is for you!
This will also help you if you're planning to build courses or programs.
This model is meant to be used for education and transformation businesses. There are businesses that thrive on a content membership – (as the gold star example according to retention rates being Netflix). But that's not what I'm using this model for. I serve business owners that are educating their members, and helping them reach a goal.
With that in mind, I'd love to hear what you think of this model – if it resonates with you or if you disagree!