#75 The 5 Pieces Of Website Copy You Need To Attract Your Community

This is a guest article was written by Cheyenne Buttrey.

Hiiii – Cheyenne here 👋 & I am soo excited Becky invited me to guest write this week’s newsletter.

I've spent the last 5+ years sitting in head of marketing & content seats and writing killer copy, building evergreen funnels, and leading marketing for some of the world's most magnetic, creator-led brands.

(Think: bossbabe & The Two Percent, StoryBrand & Business Made Simple, etc.)

I always say Becky’s the smartest person I know, so to hop in here and get to chat with you all about messaging feels like a dream come true + such an honor. 🥹

And you might be wondering: why is a copywriter here talking to us about building a community-driven business? Well, hear me out for a sec…

If you want to build a community-driven business, you have to attract your community to you...right?

So what does it mean if you’re consistently attracting people who just aren’t a fit?

What does it mean if at least 1X / week you’re hating your work?

Or talking a client off a ledge?

Or fighting for why your prices are what they are?

Or doing damage control because of that one person who’s bringing negative energy?

It means there’s some sort of misalignment between your offer and how you’re talking about it.

People don’t walk into Louis Vuitton and push back on the purse being priced at $3k.

People also don’t walk into Wal-Mart expecting white-glove service.

A lot of people would argue what’s happening here is a matter of branding alone (and granted, I’m using two of the biggest brands to paint this picture for you), but I think it’s more than that.

My hot take: it’s about your message.

So today, I want to dive in and share with you the 5 core messaging points you need on your website (and for that matter, everywhere in your marketing!) to attract the right people and repel the wrong ones.

Let’s get into it —

I believe there are just 5 core messages you need on your website (and also – freaking everywhere else) to attract your ideal clients and build your community-driven business.

There’s a famous quote that says, “Words create worlds.” and I’d love to amend it to also say “Words create community”.

Here are words that have built the communities I’m a part of…

  • RunDisney – Every mile is magic

  • StoryBrand – If you confuse, you lose. Marketing made simple

  • Anna x Sitar – I’m so happy you’re here. Another day, another latte. Anna’s guide to feeling better.

These words feel like a warm hug to me. They make me know I’m home. And if you can find the right words to speak to your community – you’ll create that feeling for the people around you, too.

So let’s get into the 5 pieces of website copy you need to attract the right people (complete with MadLibs style guides because that’s really my favorite thing).

Your “HERO” Section

The average person only spends 52 seconds on your site. Your “HERO” section is the first impression of your website and – above all else – needs to be clear.

Your “HERO” section refers to what loads on your website before anyone even scrolls down. It’s that first section of words and images, and it needs to be SUPER clear.

My favorite tool for writing your “HERO” section is to use StoryBrand’s tool: The Grunt Test. Your copy needs to be able to answer…

  • What is your offer?

  • How does it make my life better?

  • How do I buy it?

When your ideal client can understand those things in 60 seconds or less, they’ll quickly decide if they’re in the right place or not and take action accordingly.

Here’s your ”‘HERO” section MadLibs guide…

Offer Name


Learn Exactly How To [Achieve Result / Become Aspiration ]

[Program Name] is a [Program Type] designed to help you [Achieve Result] in [This Time Period] – without [Common Problem / Challenge ]

Your “VALUE STACK” Section

The Latin phrase “Omne trium perfectum,” meaning the rule of three, states that groups of three are not only more impactful, but also easier for the brain to remember.

It’s why we remember phrases like “Stop, Drop & Roll” or “Live, Laugh, Love”. 😉

I know…whatever process you walk your clients through is likely detailed & complex – but as Albert Einstein said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”

But how can you simplify your process down into just 3 steps that are extremely value-based and make working with you feel sooo easy for your ideal client so you can limit the barrier for entry and be in your community easily?

  1. Step 1 should be “Get Access To [Whatever Your Offer Is]”

  2. Step 2 is about how your ideal client is changing by working with you “Transform / Learn / Grow into [Desired State]”

  3. Step 3 is about who your ideal client is becoming or the outcome they are achieving. By working with you, how are they becoming their best self or achieving their goal?


Your “PROBLEM” Section

People buy solutions to painful problems. If you’re not talking about the problem you solve, you’re missing out on sales. Period.

The StoryBrand formula teaches that there are 3 types of problems…

  • External – The problem your ideal client is experiencing on the outside

  • Internal – How that problem makes your ideal client feel

  • Philosophical – Why it’s just plain wrong that your ideal client is facing that problem

When you can repeat back to your ideal client what the problem is that they’re facing – across 3 different levels – they’ll feel known and understood and know they’re in the right community.

If you’ve worked with Becky on Customer Journey Mapping – pull out your Customer Journey Map and look at all the lows your customer faces. How can you talk about these lows in a way that really gets at the heart of the problem?

First, take a moment to jot down your problems. Then, write your problems out in a “PROBLEM” section of your website.

Here’s your ”PROBLEM” section MadLibs guide…

You want to [Achieve Result]…but right now –[You’re Experiencing This Problem].

The problem is – when this happens, most [Persona] end up [Doing this thing that’s not helpful].

In [Offer], we believe [Transformative Belief]


  • A [Persona] who wants to [Achieve Result Without Frustration]

  • A [Persona] who wants to [Achieve Result Without Frustration]

  • A [Persona] who wants to [Achieve Result Without Frustration]

  • A [Persona] who wants to [Achieve Result Without Frustration]

You’re in the right place!

Your “OFFER” Section

Now that you’ve talked about the problem you get to be the solution. How does your offer solve the very problem they’re experiencing – and why are YOU the right person to solve it?

Your “OFFER” section is going to include a lot of sections. Here’s a quick overview…

  • Re-Introduce Your Offer

  • Introduce Why You’re The Right Person To Solve This Problem

  • Share What’s Included

  • Talk About “Bonuses”

  • Give A Clear Stack & Close Of Value

We’re going to start putting some sections together, now. Here’s how to write about your “OFFER” on your website…

Quickly Jot Down Your…

  • Problem: [Customer's Problem]

  • Solution: [Your Solution]

  • Result: [Successful Outcome]

Now, Let’s Dive Deeper…

Customer's Problem: What problem does your customer face?

  • "struggling with"

  • "finding it difficult to"

  • "frustrated by"

Your Solution: How does your product/service solve their problem?

  • "we offer"

  • "our [product/service]"

  • "we provide"

Successful Outcome: What positive result will the customer achieve after using your solution?

  • "so they can"

  • "allowing them to"

  • "helping them to"


Are you [Customer's Problem]? At [Your Company], we [Your Solution], so you can [Successful Outcome] – without [Common Obstacles].


  • Are you struggling with generating consistent leads? We offer comprehensive marketing strategies, so you can grow your business with ease.

  • Finding it difficult to balance work and family life? Our parenting course provides practical tips and strategies, allowing you to enjoy more quality time with your loved ones.

  • Frustrated by the complexities of eCommerce? We provide a step-by-step roadmap for strategic growth, helping you boost your revenue and streamline your operations.

Your “SUCCESS” Section

Your customer wants to understand how your community can help them get success and avoid pain. In this section, you’ll share evidence that you’re the right person to help them achieve their goals.

What To Include In Your SUCCESS Section

  • Testimonials of people “just like them” who have achieved results working with you << this helps them see themselves in your community

  • “I went from X to Y in Z timeframe using what I learned in PROGRAM”

  • Showcase authority through logos, expertise, certifications, schooling, etc.

  • List out the tangible benefits of your offer in a bullet list

  • Reiterate why they deserve this

Here’s your ”SUCCESS” section MadLibs guide…

You Shouldn’t Have To [Philosophical Problem]

Too many [Personas] try to [Go About This The Wrong Way] which leads to [Bigger Problem].

What if you could [Achieve Results The Right Way]? Without [All These Frustrations]

That's The Reality With [Program].

You don’t have [Do This The Wrong Way]. Join [Program] today for [a proven approach tailored specifically for persona like you].

We're here to support you every step of the way, and we're confident we can help you achieve the results you deserve.

Okay! So those are the 5 pieces of copy you need to attract your community to your business.

Oh, and to be super clear – these are 5 sections you need on your site – but there are going to be lots of sub-sections – so start here, then build from there.

Take a stab at writing these sections, and if you have any questions – shoot me a DM over ​@copygirl.co ​– I’d love to connect with you!!

Becky here 👋🏻 ... Cheyenne is seriously a copy genius. If you missed last week's newsletter, I shared that every great product person needs a great marketing partner, and Cheyenne is that for me.

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#76 How Chenell Basilio of Growth In Reverse Crushed Her Community Launch


#74 How To Get Great Testimonials