Power Hour+ Workshop: From Vision To Strategic Path Forward.

Most visionaries struggle to turn their ideas into actionable next steps. During this 1:1 workshop, you’ll gain full clarity on exactly what you need to do to turn your ideas into a reality and receive expert strategy on how you can optimize your ideas to see the best results.

You’ll walk away from your power hour with at least 3 clear action steps, a PDF of session notes, the session recording and a thoughtful recap.

Let’s be real–meetings suck. I believe in high value workshops instead.

A Power Hour is more than a meeting, it’s a high impact session where I facilitate a proven framework so that we can work through a problem, together.

How It Works

  • STEP 01

    Book your power hour.

    First you’ll find a slot on my calendar and answer a few key questions about your business. I’ll review your notes and design our session.

  • STEP 02

    We power hour.

    We’ll meet on zoom for 90 mins to review your product challenges and I’ll facilitate a session that will help us create a strategic path forward.

  • STEP 03

    I recap.

    After our power hour I’ll send you the recording and recap of your session + any resources or references I mention during our time together.

screenshot of tweet - "I booked a power hour w/ beckypierson yesterday and it was INCREDIBLE. Here's what she helped me with"

Case Study

Read what Sara Loretta of Systms Club had to say…

Read thread

Choose Your Track

When you book your Power Hour+ you’ll select one of the following tracks which will help me design your session.

  • Are you ready to add a new digital product, offer or community-strategy to your business? Do you want someone to bounce ideas with? Are you worried that you might be jumping too quickly to solutions without doing due-diligence to select the best path? Choose this track to use proven design-thinking strategies to identify solutions to test in the market.

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the ideas and directions you can take your business and product strategy? Do you start heading one direction just to question if that was the right one? That’s totally normal– prioritizing business and customer value is a delicate balance. Choose this track to get clarity on the next steps to prioritize in your business.

  • Do you have a new strategy or direction for your business that you want to validate in the market? Are you struggling to find product-market fit with your current offer? I’ll help you come up with an experimentation strategy so that you can validate your idea, pivot your product as necessary and build the best solution for your business.

  • Are you launching a new community and want help thinking through all ways your product should support your members at different milestones? Your community journey map is crucial to continuously improve your product and retain your members. Choose this track if you’ve done your research and you are ready to outline all the details along their journey.

  • If you’re facing a different challenge in your business you’d like to tackle in a workshop with me I’d love to craft a custom workshop. When you book your power hour you’ll be asked to provide details on the specific challenge you’d like to address. The more details the better!

Nick Coppolo, Chief Operating Officer, Kin + Carta

“Becky combines pragmatic business fundamentals with an insatiably curious explorer’s mindset – heading steadfast into the unknown in the pursuit of better.  Her creative approach to solving complex problems produces results.  For us, her portfolio and service lines grew 147% YoY on a 35% target.  That’s winning. ”

photo of becky pierson davidson sitting on stairs smiling

👋 Hi! I’m Becky – Your New Head Of Product

I’ve always had a hard time fitting in a box. Which is bad news for writing my bio – but great news for your business.

You’ve probably heard people describe themselves as a “swiss army knife”. AKA – they have a ton of skills and are helpful in 99% of situations. 

I like to think of myself as a unicorn. (Think: “swiss army knife” with creativity + strategy baked in).

There are very few seats I haven’t sat in or next to in a business – so I know what it takes to actually execute a plan and get results. But more than knowing what it takes to implement a plan – my zone of genius is using data-driven research and industry-leading processes to create a strategic plan tailored to your business that we KNOW is going to drive results

I want to get to know more about what unique problem you’re solving in the world so we can execute your vision, serve your audience, and grow your business – at the same time.

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Trusted by some of the world’s top community-driven businesses in media, education-tech, healthcare-tech, agencies and beyond.

Are you looking for more support like full day workshops or fractional leadership in your business?